게임 개발자 Gary Kim의 홈페이지
Gary Kim (Gunhee Kim)
An expert in developing tabletop game mechanics.
Someone who enjoys "gamifying" things, whatever that is.
2003~ President of KBDA (Korean Board Game Designers Association)
2013~ CEO of Gary Kim Games (Freelance board game designer)
2018~2019 Lecturer, Introduction to Board Game, Board Game Production, Game Contents Department, Gimpo University
2021~ Game design advisor for Krafton Bluehole Studio
2022~ Trevari 'Life as a Game' Club Manager
Major Awards
2015 Spiel des Jahres Recommended
2015 Lys Grand Public Finalist
2014 Meeples' Choice Nominee
2014 Golden Geek Best Children's Board Game Nominee
the Hare and the tortoise
2015 Origins Awards Best Children’s, Family, & Party Game Winner
2015 As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année Nominee
2014 Golden Geek Best Children's Board Game Winner
2014 Tric Trac Nominee
2014 Fairplay À la carte Winner
2014 As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année Nominee
Major careers in game design (2010~2022)
2022.12. 'Memory Island' board game license released (BoardM)
2022.12. 'Cradle to Grave' board game license released (BoardM)
2022.10. Released 'Semsemcode 3' board game license (Happy Baobab)
2022.10. 'Deities' board game license released (Mandoo Games)
2022.06. 'Distant Suns' board game license released (Iello)
2022.02. 'Team Team' board game license released (Studio H)
2021.11. Released 'Semsemcode 2' board game license (Happy Baobab)
2021.11. 'Semsemcode 1' board game license released (Happy Baobab)
2021.09. 'Snack Wars' board game license released (Gigamic)
2021.05. Developed 'Circus Star' board game (Mandoo Games)
2021.05. Co-published 'Show me your sound' board game (Gat Game Studio)
2021.03. Licensed 'Hunmin Jeongyeom' game (Mimi World)
2021.02. Developed and produced 'VALUE PLACE', an employee training game
2021.01. Planned vocational education web game 'Dagachi Jobs'
2020.12. Developed and produced 'STAR FINDERS', for observatory visitors
2020.10. Developed fairy tale game series 'Rabbit and Turtle' and 3 others (Toy&Puzzle)
2020.09. Developed and produced 'POWER GAME', for power exchange employees
2020.07. Developed 'Bug Kingdom' coding education game (Dasan Books)
2020.03. Developed outdoor game for 'Jeju Olle Trail' 7 course (Jeju Olle Center)
2020.01. 'DieDay' webtoon board game development (BoardM)
2020.01. Developed a webtoon board game for 'Gongnang Gongnang' (BoardM)
2019.12. Developed an intercultural education board game (Seoul Design Governance)
2019.10. Released 'NINE' board game license (Sorry we are french)
2019.08. Developed 'Treasure Hunters' board game (Mimi World)
2019.07. Licensed 'Black Swan' board game tile version (Mandoo Games)
2019.07. Developed 'Wanabana' webtoon board game (Korea Board Games)
2019.06. Developed a promotional board game for tvN's 'High School Lunch King'
2018.02. Developed a webtoon board game for 'Woorisai' (Korea Board Games)
2018.01. Developed 'Self-Reliance Village Board Game' (World Vision)
2017.12. Developed 'Global Citizenship Game' (UNESCO Asia-Pacific Institute)
2017.12. Consulting on the development of 'Burumarble Trade' (SSiatsa)
2017.09. Developed 'Going Going' board game (Korea Board Games)
2017.08. Developed 'Secret School Escape' board game (Mimi World)
2017.07. Developed a board game for S-Group Youth Vocational Education
2017.06. Developed G-company management simulation game
2017.03. Developed value internalization game for all employees of K-Group
2017.09. Launched 'Nomads' board game license (Ludonaut)
2017.09. Developed and released 'RISING 5' board game (Mandoo Games)
2017.07. Licensed 'Cannon Buster' board game (Happy Baobab)
2016.12. Developed H-Group value chain simulation game
2016.01. Developed a value internalization big game for all employees of K-Group
2016.01. Co-published 'THE GATE' board game (BoardM)
2015.10. Launched 'Play Jeju' license (Happy Baobab)
2015.06. Developed a board game for business process training for H-company
2015.04. Co-published 'THE DOME' board game (BoardM)
2015.03. Published 'Jeju' board game (Trike)
2014.12. Developed a toy-type board game utilizing 'Biklons' character (Young-silup)
2014.10. Released 'Souk' license (Bombyx)
2014.10. Released 'Chosun' license (Moonstergames)
2014.10. Licensed 'Hare and Tortoise' (Purplebrain)
2014.10. 'Abraca...what?' license released (Korea Board Games)
2014.10. Licensed 'Seven Kingdoms' (Dinko Games)
2014.08. Developed a big game for interdepartmental work training for S-company
2014.02. Developed a board game to educate members of consumer life cooperatives
2014.01. Developed a board game for core value internalization education for H-Group
2013.10. Developed a big game for training new employees at all S-Group companies
2013.09. Developed a board game for 'Kids World' application promotion
2013.09. Launched 'KORYO' card game license (Moonstergames)
2013.09. Licensed 'Chou Chou Train' board game (PieceCraft)
2012.08. Licensed 'Spice Merchant' card game (Dinko Games)
2012.05. Licensed 'Black Swan' card game (Visionary)
2011.12. Licensed 'Royal Turtle' board game (Piececraft)
2011.11. 'Present' card game license released (Visionary)
2010.10. Released 'Figure Grand Prix' license (PieceCraft)
I'm a Board Game Designer (2019, Mandoo Games)
How About a Board Game? (2004, Hyejiwon)
2018~2019 Lectured at Gimpo University Game Contents Department, Introduction to Board Game, Board Game Production
2014~2018 D Cube Academy Board Game Developer Course Lectures
2014~2016 Lectured on Mobile Game Planning at Smart App Challenge
Lectures on game design, creativity, and gamification at other companies, public institutions, universities, and research institutes