MY Top 10 Board game list of 2017
Before the starting, just check the previous years' list first.

OK, now my top 10 board game list of the year is below -
(Not 'published' this year. What I 'played for the first time' in this year)
10) Calimala : Unique core mechanic with influence

9) Altiplano : I prefer this game to the Orléans

8) Reworld : I like whole part of this game except the package concept ;p

7) Down force : It's so classic but cool

6) Barenpark : Good Game

5) Fantasy Realm : I can teach this game only in 1 second.

4) Star Wars Destiny : You can buy Star Wars character dice. the end.

3) Runebound 3rd edition : I'm never bored with this kind of games.

2) Twilight Imperium 4th edition : It has 17 factions... hey, 17.

And my Top Game of this year is...

'Star Wars Imperial Assault' with APP
I never win against the human overload, but now I got victory with the app :)