My Top 10 board game list of 2016
My top 10 board game list of 2015 is below (Not 'published' this year. What I 'played' this year) : 10 - Kanagawa Designed by Bruno...
*Rising 5 'Runes of Asteros' intro movie FIND THE LOST RUNES AND SAVE THE PLANET ASTEROS! A long, long time ago, the ancient King of...

My top 10 board game list of 2015
My top 10 board game list of 2015 is below (Not 'published' this year. What I 'played' this year) : 10. Dead of winter - I don't like...

The GATE season#1 exp : Broken horizon
더게이트 시즌1 확장 16개 캐릭터의 출시가 임박했습니다. 아래와 같이 4개 캐릭터씩 4세트로 구성됩니다.

The DOME, The GATE rules download
The DOME rulebook (ENG) download The GATE rulebook (ENG) download

Jerry Netbus comes from the DOME to the GATE !
Jerry Netbus comes from the DOME to the GATE ! The left image is Jerry from the DOME world, and he comes to the GATE world with a...

Lenomus the Summoner
'Lenomus' is a representative character of the GATE - When you play him, you can 'summon' a character from their gates. ‘Summon’ means...

'The DOME' and 'The GATE' are coming to this Essen Spiel `15 !
'The DOME' and 'The GATE' are coming to this Essen Spiel `15 ! You can visit our booth (7-C100) and play these awesome new games ! 1) The...

2014 Golden geek award 어린이 게임 분야에 '아브라카왓 '과 '토끼와거북이'가 노미네이트 되었습니다!
사이트 참조 https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1317685/2014-golden-geek-awards-nominees-announced-vote-no